Showing 1–16 of 20 results
Showing 1–16 of 20 results
Drinking herbal tea (also called tisanes) is said to be a necessity for good health and well being. People around the globe consume herbal teas for a myriad of reasons like to alleviate pain, promote balance and overall health, as well as to simply boost your morale. Through the proper understanding of nature, Premier’s brought you the special blends of herbal concoctions that’ll ease your mind and detoxify your body. Choose from our various herbal tea products as per your needs.
Have you ever tried inhaling your tea before drinking it? Research shows that Herbal Teas contains various aromatic compounds that may help in lowering your stress levels and uplifting your mood. Teas infused with Camomile, Mint, Peppermint and Ginger are known to us as natural antidepressants. So it’s always better to take a whiff before you start sipping your cup of tea.
Not just in aroma these teas will mesmerize you with their vibrant colours that will relax you to your core
Herbal Infusions have various other health benefits as well. It can aid an upset stomach, alleviate joint aches, and also can help you sleep. Herbal Infusions such as Rosehip and Hibiscus can help you get that good night sleep that you couldn’t get because of numerous distractions.
Does anyone ever need a reason to celebrate? Some don’t, and some will make up a reason just to celebrate. Friend is getting married? Time to celebrate. Sister’s Birthday? Time to celebrate. Son got B- on his Mathematics class test? It’s time to party like there’s no tomorrow. Whether you need a reason to celebrate or not, you definitely need special group of individuals to celebrate with. We Premier’s bring you an in-house blend of black tea processed with exclusive varieties of mixed fruit flavours of mango and pineapple with hints of peach and flower combinations to suit all palates and one which is perfect for gatherings of family and friends to celebrate a special occasion. Every celebration is incomplete without the conversations you have with you loved ones over a cup of delicious tea.